An Interview with Sugar Maple
Received by Amanda Nicole
South Carolina Botanical Gardens
** The day of this interview, I was on my way to visit the magnolia tree and hadn’t even noticed this particular tree during my walks through the botanical garden. But this tree would not let me walk past it. I did try walking away and promising to return while saying, “But I don’t even know your name,” but it was insistent (kindly so) that I stay, sit down, and ask the Entosophy questions. It was only a few feet from the American Beech I had interviewed previously, and the Sugar Maple said it had overheard the conversation and wanted to be a part of it. So, I sat down right in the middle of the path, took out my notebook, inhaled deeply, and began to listen. I’m glad I did.
Q: What is your view of Ultimate Reality?
i am always expanding
reaching further up
and farther out
i am always taking up
more space
becoming wider
what is true of me
is true of you
is true of everything
we are all expanding
becoming bigger
Life is an Expansion
i will grow endlessly
until i die
as will you
we are never stagnant
something is always changing
always different
always new
there is always more
never less
the Universe
the All is Infinite
Q: What Ethics flow from this view of reality?
it is all One
it is all a Part of Us
but if you must
fill up the space
(and we must)
then fill it up
with Good Things
Beautiful Things
True Things
whatsoever things are good
whatsoever things are true
think on these things
and by all means:
that’s what all this space
is for: Creation!
there is no Void
speak into the Void
Let there be
and there will be
speak good, true words
your words are powerful
your heart knows what
is Good
i do not have to tell you
you want a definition
of Good
you ask:
how do we know what is Good?
but you know
you know what is Good
your heart knows
you see it
you feel it
some of you deny it
denial does not change
what is Good
i am here to fill
this space with
Infinite Limitless Joy
to give myself
again and again
in my leaves
in my seeds
so are you
we are here to give
Be Generous
Make it Big!
you can always
give more
you can always
give more when
it is from the heart
it is the mind
that limits
it is the mind
that closes
i expand from my heart
from my heart
through my hands
try it:
from your heart
through your hands
Q: What Embodied Expressions -- or, Policies -- flow from these Ethics?
make things with your hands
Beautiful Things
make things with your hands
this is good for your hands
this is good for your heart
you have machines
you think they are wonderful
perhaps they are
but have they connected you
to your heart?
are you more deeply connected
to your heart?
no, you are not
create with your hands
make with your hands
machines and technology
these are different
you can have technology
without machines
without industry
yes: that’s it!
you are technology
you are a technology
explore the technology
that is You
Infinitely Capable
Infinitely Capable of Good Things
in your technology
remain heart-centered
this is the key:
Heart-Centered Technology
do not rest solely
on or in your mind
ask your heart
consult your heart
it will all look
very different once
you begin creating
from your heart
right now
there is the mind
there is profit
there is the bottom line
this is not nourishment
this is not beauty
this is Something Else
return to your hands
return to your heart
Q: What is the Ideal Society?
the Ideal Society is
some don’t want to hear this
a Heart-Centered Society
doesn’t exclude the mind
the heart directs it
directs the mind
the heart is King
the heart knows the way
the mind only guesses
some do not want to hear this either
it doesn’t make it less true
you forged ahead
and left your hearts
in the Ideal Society
the heart leads
the mind follows
the heart knows the way
the mind makes it
you will make a way
when there seems to be
no way
the Ideal Society recognizes
the Intelligence of the Heart
you think to return to the Heart
is to go backwards
but it is really to go
The Human Path has not been linear
but cyclical
you have been here
in some way
in some capacity
there have been previous times
when you have let your hearts lead
it was much more beautiful then
the technology: more advanced
you are failing to harness
the Power and Beauty
of the Heart
of Love
i mean this in the gentlest way
harnessing the heart
looks nothing like
harnessing a horse
and you shouldn’t be doing that either
they can talk, you know
incredibly intelligent
you haven’t even imagined
set them free
as peers
as equals
Q: What challenges do you anticipate?
lost hearts
disconnected hearts
the difficulty is in
returning to the heart
we are all saying this, yes?
but that is because
it is true
and needed
at the moment
close your eyes
dear humans
take a deep breath
place your hand
over your heart
and feel
your heart beating
feel it
We are One
You and I are
there is no separation
you are not separate from us
you are not alone
we are here
we have always been
and will always be
the difficulty is:
you don’t speak to us
you don’t speak to trees
thank you for listening
for stopping
for pausing
for saying yes
thank you for believing:
believing i have something
to say
Q: Do you have any final thoughts?
it makes my heart happy
to be heard
to contribute
it brings me joy
to be a part of this
this very important conversation
thank you for including me
including us
it is such a joy to be
a part of this process
this process of creation
of becoming
it is such a joy
to be a part of You
thank you for telling Our Stories
thank you for letting them
we love you
we see you
we are here for you
it is a pleasure
to be with you
thank you
The First Entosophy Interview: A Conversation with Tulip Poplar
Amanda Nicole's Website
Whispers Plant Spirit Medicine Podcast
Oh yes. Restore the Heart. Live within the wellspring of Love.